HomeThermocoupleCF Feedthroughs

Thermocouple CF Feedthroughs

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Type-K CF Thermocouple Feedthroughs

These CF thermocouple feedthroughs are mounted on CF Flanges that incorporate the industry standard "captured copper gasket" sealing principle, making it easy to mount to your existing CF Flange ports.

Type-K Thermocouple - CF Flanges


•    Subminiature-D Interface
•    Type-K Chromel®/Alumel® pins
•    4 TC-pairs / 2 TC-pair and 2 power leads
•    High temperature rated to 250°C
•    UHV compatible construction
•    Conflat® compatible mounts
•    Kapton® insulated vacuum cables
•    PEEK Connector with locking screws
•    Air service cables/connectors
•    Custom solutions on request